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2008 November 5
by constantia

I am so conflicted and emotionally exhausted.

President Elect Barack Obama. That’s… wonderful. Indescribably wonderful. When his victory was announced, I looked over at my daughter, and I couldn’t help but cry. The relief, the joy… it was overwhelming. I no longer have to live with a horrible black cloud of fear hanging over my head, terrified of what the future may hold for her under a McCain or (GOD FORBID) Palin administration.

We, as a country, have come so far. But we still fall short profoundly.

Proposition 8 passed. That didn’t just take the wind out of my sails; it was like getting punched in the stomach.

I’m too emotional over all of this to write, actually. My emotions are too tumultuous, and my anger over Prop 8 is too acute. I’ll tell ya… this threw me. I was so so SO sure that my state wouldn’t pass a law like this, one that /removed/ civil rights. I was certain that my neighbors couldn’t be duped by lies or swayed by propaganda.

I’m broken-hearted that I was wrong.

There are some glimmers of hope. Obama and Biden had both openly stated that if they were California residents they would have voted against Prop 8, so this ugliness doesn’t go all the way to the top, so to speak.

There are protest rallies going on all over the state. The protest rally in Los Angeles is still swelling in numbers five hours after it began.

Civil rights advocates, including the ACLU, are taking this back to the courts. And while attempts to overturn anti gay marriage measures have failed in the past (Alaska, Oregon), there’s always hope.

61% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 voted against Prop 8. If worse comes to worse, it may be just a matter of patience and perseverance.

I’m still angry. The voices of hate and intolerance diminish us all. The passing of Proposition 8 cast a horrible pall on this election, and stained the glorious victory for civil rights that Obama’s election represents. I’m still angry, but I’m going to do my best to use that anger to fortify and strengthen my resolve, and I’m going to do what I can to help see that this cruel, unfair law is overturned.

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