lust – Non Omnis Moriar Mon, 13 Jun 2016 05:59:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arousal 7 Incense Wed, 29 Jun 2011 00:15:15 +0000

Because I’m classy like that, I’m just going to tell it like it is: this incense is made for fucking. I don’t even want to use a cutesy word there because ‘fucking’ really is the only one that fits. There’s no romance here, no flowers and candy; this is raw, shameless, bestial bacchanal maenad/satyr sex in a jar. Use it in rituals to increase your libido, to spark and rekindle sexual attraction, to strengthen sexual bonds, and when you just really want to get laid. Outside of ritual work, this incense can be burned in the bedroom to create a tremendously passionate atmosphere.

There is a very strong Earth-Mars influence in this blend. It was created under precise ritual circumstances to further increase the strength of the blend. Only five have been created due to the immense amount of energy it takes to create this incense correctly. (I kept one for myself. Heh.)

Twilight Alchemy Lab’s Arousal 7 incense contains herbs that are organically-grown and pesticide-free, and the oils within the incense are all first distillations from small farms. Several of the components of this incense were grown in the TAL garden.

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